Early-Career Research Grants - Results

We are excited to announce the results of our recent research grant program, which was dedicated to supporting early-career researchers in advancing their research agenda. We want to express our gratitude to all the participants who shared their creative and well-crafted ideas with us and considered the Social Psychological Bulletin as a potential outlet for their work.

We have received 25 submissions that span a wide range of topics within social psychology. The quality of these submissions has left us highly impressed, demonstrating an exceptional combination of methodological rigor, originality, and the potential for significant impact. Collectively, they indicate the immense potential within the community of early-career researchers.

The selection process posed a considerable challenge. We carefully evaluated each submission before arriving at a final decision. After thorough consideration, we are thrilled to announce that the research grant will be awarded to Moritz Ingendahl, whose submission “A New Perspective on the Role of Memory Retrieval in Evaluative Conditioning: How Ease of Retrieval Affects Conditioned Likes and Dislikes” displayed exceptional promise and significant potential. We look forward to seeing the contributions it will make.

To all participants, we encourage you to continue your valuable work. Whether you choose to pursue a registered report or not, we extend an invitation for you to once again consider the Social Psychological Bulletin as an outlet to share your findings with the scientific community.

Furthermore, we would like to draw attention to another program aimed at young researchers - The Solomon Asch Prize. It is awarded annually to early career researchers who have published their papers in the Social Psychological Bulletin before or up to 3 years after the completion of their Ph.D. The candidate for the award should be either the sole author or the first co-author of the article. The winner of the Asch Award is selected by the SPB Editorial Board on the basis of the assessment of all eligible papers. You can find the details of this program here.