Forthcoming Articles

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  • How early onset of COVID-19 changed vaccine-related attitudes. A longitudinal study.
    Mateusz Polak, Józef Maciuszek, Dariusz Doliński, Katarzyna Stasiuk
  • Tweeting about a revolution? A cross-national analysis of tweets on climate change during the rise of “Fridays for Future”
    Valentina Rizzoli, Bruno Gabriel Salvador Casara, Mauro Sarrica
  • Being Critical is Innovative: Constructive Patriotism and Collective Actions Foster Social Entrepreneurship Intentions
    Andrej Simic
  • Profit motives, environmental motives, and perceived corporate greenwashing revisited: A replication and extension of De Vries et al. (2015)
    Erik Løhre, Markus Høstaker, Øystein Løvik Hoprekstad
  • Tolerating Injustice When Feeling in Control: Personal Control Enhances the Link between Collectivism and Coercion in the Face of Disease Threats
    Nan Zhu, Yang Li, Lei Chang
  • “Too posh to push?” Self-stigmatization in childbirth
    Lisa Hoffmann, Elisa Berner, Norbert Hilger