Forthcoming Articles

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  • Fairness is what you can get away with: proposer and responder behaviour in a Collective Action Ultimatum Game
    David Gordon, Mikael Puurtinen
  • Personality Effects on Two Types of Whistleblowing Decisions
    Moritz Fischer, Mario Gollwitzer
  • An interdisciplinary investigation into the behaviors that build (and express) interpersonal trust
    R. Matthew Montoya, Brandon Porter
  • Do they sound gay? Positive discrimination in the promotability of gay-sounding speakers
    Fabio Fasoli, Ellen Teasdale
  • The role of grammatical gender and gender stereotypes in noun processing: The tug of war in Greek
    Despoina Chalyvidou, Andrea Weber
  • The role of social class in the use of gender-fair language - An analysis of Polish and German job titles
    Lea Hodel, Magdalena Formanowicz, Sabine Sczesny
  • The interaction of gender, occupation, and fine-phonetic detail
    Melanie Weirich
  • Gender, register and the multilingual repertoire: Lexical versus grammatical features in Namibian German
    Britta Schulte
  • Processing of Non-Binary Pronouns in Spanish: An Exploratory Eye-Tracking Study
    Alexandra Roman Irizarry, Rosa Guzzardo Tamargo
  • The readability of the non-binary gender star in German: Evidence from a lexical decision task
    Lisa Zacharski, Alexandra Kruppa, Evelyn C. Ferstl
  • Ease of Retrieval in Evaluative Conditioning
    Moritz Ingendahl , Johanna Marie Höhs, Claudine Pulm
  • The gendered language (r)evolution: Introduction to the Special Topic
    Carmen Cervone, Jen Lewendon, Anne Maass